Monday, January 24, 2011

What would make healthy eating more enjoyable?

Make Healthy Eating Enjoyable! Say no to Junk Food!!

Eating healthy & nutritious food is fundamental for a healthy life. Healthy eating trends are changing quite fast as we become more knowledgable about the nutrition value of daily foods we eat.

Do you find healthy eating difficult, because there isn't enough time to cook? or
Are you too tired when you get home from work to cook a healthy dinner from scratch?
Whatever may be the reason I hope to inspire and encourage you to enjoy good healthy food. Well there are no angels out there waiting to help moms. You need to help yourself by effort, planning and determination, to find a way to incorporate healthy eating back into your busy life and to continue living holistically.

We all know that eating nutritious food is basic need for a healthy life. Even though more often, the food that is good for us somehow doesn't seem as tempting as the rich, calorie laden foods.

The quality of the ingredients and the flavour of the food is undoubtedly  a important and unavoidable  factor in whether food is enjoyable however this is only part of the equation.

It is said 'you eat with your eyes' really is true as the visual appearance of food is one of the first mental stimuli received before the flavour of the food is even tasted. So, by making nutritious food look appealing and exciting it becomes more tempting and desirable.  If it tastes as delicious as it looks then it will be more enjoyable to eat.

Thinking creatively about the visual appeal of the food is fun for the person preparing the meals! So go ahead and make choice of healthy foods and complement it by attractive looks while you serve it to your kids and family.

Your Kids would love to have a beautiful looking soup. Try it!

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